
Enriching the Lives of the Marginalised Communities of India through Quality Education, Skill development,
Livelihood generation, Healthcare, Environment safety, Disaster response and Agriculture Initiatives

India has 31 million orphans. This is the highest number of orphans of any country in the world

Hundreds cared for, but many waiting and at risk

These children are homeless, outcasts and those in the slum areas. Many of these children are orphaned and all have huge needs. Without this lifeline many of these children would simply not survive. We are going beyond survival and helping them to thrive particularly in the areas where we have been able to assist with educational needs. 

However, more children are being presented to us in the area than we currently can provide for. Our partners help where they can but sadly bypass many to help those we are already committed to. 

Contribute to provide food, education and medical help

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